  • トップ
  • Initiatives
  • Research on a Psychoanalytic Approach to Psychological Distress (Soh Agatsuma, Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences)            

Research on a Psychoanalytic Approach to Psychological Distress (Soh Agatsuma, Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences)            

  • Research

Psychoanalysis is a longstanding treatment method although both the theory and practice have changed significantly since it was originally introduced by Sigmund Freud. There are various approaches to psychoanalysis. The prevalent approaches are ego psychology and object relations theory. I am interested in taking a perspective that incorporates various of these approaches. This kind of perspective is called relational psychoanalysis. It is notable for not only focusing on the internal aspect of relationships but also the real aspects. Another characteristic is that rather than fixating on a single model of the psyche, clinical practice is carried out while keeping multiple models in mind. To date, I have carried out theoretical research and clinical studies on psychoanalysis, exploring areas such as temporality, neutrality, self-disclosure, and technique.