
Promotion of EDI&B

Ever since the university's founding by Jesuits in 1913, by continuing its educational principles as well as Christian traditions, Sophia University promoted educational and research activities basing on the spirit of charity and globalism through encounters and dialogues with many others of diverse background in hope to bringing solutions for the issues to our tormented world of today. While our values diversify, to foster global perspectives to view our earth and society and to nurture willing attitudes to responding to needs generated by the heart of people is what is required for advancing SDGs further. Here we would like to introduce many of our doings in order to realize SDGs based on the university's founding motto, "Sophia - Bringing the World Together."

News & Events

SDGs at Sophia University

Yoshiaki Terumichi / President, Sophia University

Message from the PresidentYoshiaki Terumichi
President, Sophia University

Guided by a mission rooted in the firm founding spirit and educational philosophy of a Catholic Jesuit university, Sophia University has evolved as a highly global university. Our name “Sophia” comes from a Greek word that means “divine wisdom that elevates a person to an ideal human.” An “ideal human” is a person who is fair, supports and walks with the marginalized, and addresses global issues with a sense of ownership and mission.

Our fruits of success in fostering humans who live “for Others, with Others” can be witnessed in the many alumni who are giving back to society harnessing their individual abilities to be leaders in diverse fields, including international organizations such as the United Nations, the business world, NGOs, and education. This is evidence that as students, our alumni not only nurtured expertise, educated knowledge and language skills, but also fostered the spirit embedded in our name, and that they are acting and living by it in society.

It is widely understood that the SDGs, which approach the various issues challenging the world today, such as poverty, food access, environment, education, and ethics, are goals that all humans living on Earth should be conscious of for the achievement a sustainable world. We are proud that our tradition since our founding to engage in research, education, and social action guided by our determination to contribute to fairness, the common good, and international public benefits resonate with the SDGs. We must also humbly acknowledge that amid the rapid globalization of society and dramatic advancements towards a highly information-based society, we cannot address these challenges alone.

With a view to the focus on the SDGs and the various actions taken by different organizations, we seek to continue to be committed to achieving a world where no one is left behind and harmony between the global environment and human society. To this end, we will value our connections and partnerships with various organizations and individuals in Japan and overseas and never cease to explore what we can do. Here, we will introduce the diverse efforts that Sophia University has earnestly made in the hope that readers will share our strong dedication to actions for the SDGs.