
Unknown story of New Sophia tote bag

  • Sophia School Corporation
  • Student Staffs

Congratulations on your enrollment!

We are pleased to announce the renewal of our new “tote bag” for incoming students. Here are the unknown story of New Sophia tote bag…

Previously, Sophia University provided bags made of non-woven materials with cheap and durable, however, it was often thrown away after just only one day use. 

Therefore, the students staff members of Office of Sophia Sustainability Promotion took the lead in addressing this challenges.


We aimed to create a tote bag that could be used for a long time, utilizing environmentally friendly materials. We features an iconic design of historic Building No.1 which holds historical significance and is emblematic within Sophia University. 

The longer you use, the less environmental impact it will have. We hope you enjoy your campus experience with this sustainable tote bag!