  • トップ
  • 取組み事例
  • SUP上智大学出版より『Sustainable Societies in a Fragile World. Perspectives from Germany and Japan 』が刊行(ホメリヒ カローラ・木村正人 共編)

SUP上智大学出版より『Sustainable Societies in a Fragile World. Perspectives from Germany and Japan 』が刊行(ホメリヒ カローラ・木村正人 共編)

  • 1:貧困をなくそう
  • 10:人や国の不平等をなくそう
  • 11:住み続けられるまちづくりを
  • 12:つくる責任 つかう責任
  • 13:気候変動に具体的な対策を
  • 14:海の豊かさを守ろう
  • 15:陸の豊かさも守ろう
  • 16:平和と公正をすべての人に
  • 17:パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう
  • 2:飢餓をゼロに
  • 3:すべての人に健康と福祉を
  • 4:質の高い教育をみんなに
  • 5:ジェンダー平等を実現しよう
  • 6:安全な水とトイレを世界中に
  • 7:エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに
  • 8:働きがいも経済成長も
  • 9:産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう
  • 教育・授業
  • 研究



Sustainable Societies in a Fragile World. Perspectives from Germany and Japan

ホメリヒ カローラ(上智大学総合人間科学部社会学科教授)、木村正人(東洋大学社会学部社会学科教授)【共編】

Focusing on Germany and Japan, two of the world’s largest economies, this volume presents a collection of case studies and survey research which tackle questions of sustainability within three core areas:
1. Transition to an environmentally friendly society (waste management, sustainability education, and environmental attitudes);
2. Sustainable and resilient regional and urban development (disaster resilience and smart cities);
3. Inclusive societies (homelessness under COVID-19, cyberbullying, and democratic values).
The book brings together experts from sociology, education, psychology, and urban engineering, with most of the research being interdisciplinary and comparative in nature, documenting the challenging journey towards a sustainable future.

For a full table of contents, click here

Carola Hommerich, Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sophia University.
Masato Kimura, Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University.


