TEDx Sophia University
- Club & Circles
This student group is the Sophia University chapter of TED, which organizes academic lectures by people with a passion for making the world a better place. With a basic philosophy of “Ideas Worth Spreading,” TED events bring in speakers to present ideas that will shift listeners thinking, views on life, and their perceptions.

The group members are split into three teams: the speaker team is in charge of event planning and communication with speakers, the partner team is responsible for soliciting sponsors, and the promotion team is in charge of promoting TED and handling event PR, social media and ticket management. TEDx Sophia University posted its premier public video on YouTube in March 2021, which has been viewed over 1,500 times.

TED’s strength is free and high quality content that is valuable but not always accessible. It is also content that many people can easily listen to without the hassle of reading difficult papers. In terms of SDGs, these strengths fall under Goal 4, quality education.
TED talks also have a general connection to all the SDGs since the topics engage speakers on various social issues such as climate change and discrimination.