Sophia Start-up Club
- Club & Circles
The vision of Sophia Start-up Club is “to create a place for Sophia students who are interested in entrepreneurship and to produce talented people from Sophia who will be active in the world.”
To realize this vision, the club holds various activities to foster entrepreneurship such as inviting entrepreneurs and business people to the university for study sessions and holding gatherings among club members.

These activities contribute to SDGs in terms of Goal 4, quality education, Goal 5, gender equality, and Goal 8, decent work and economic growth.
First, to realize Goal 4, the club is significantly increasing the percentage of young people equipped with the skills to start a business by providing opportunities to gain the necessary knowledge and widening contact networks.
Second, the club contributes to Goal 5 by offering an environment that encourages women to be active in the male-dominated world of entrepreneurship.
Third, in creating opportunities for students to think about their carrier, the club’s activities contribute one of the aims of Goal 8, to substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training.