Asante Project
- Club & Circles
Asante Project provides educational support to preschool children in Tanzania under the umbrella of “enabling children to have more possibilities.” Asante undertakes activities in both Japan and in Tanzania.
In Japan, they operate Asante Market, which sells handmade products made with traditional Tanzanian cloth in order to promote the attractiveness of Africa. The cloth is purchased by members themselves in Tanzania.

Africa-related events such as workshops for high-school students are also held. For activities in Tanzania, group members travel there, where they are involved in two main activities: first, providing needed materials such as stationery and writing implements, desks, chairs and educational materials and second, providing construction support for roofs and exterior walls.

Through these activities, Asante Project contributes to SDGs through Goal 4, quality education, and Goal 10, reduced inequality. Through Asante Market, Asante Project sells products made with vivid African fabrics and promotes Africa’s charms, so please take a look at their Instagram account and online store.

- Instagram: @asanteproject
- Twitter:@Asante_tokyo
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