Peacebuilding and International Cooperation Club
- Club & Circles
This club is a study group for peacebuilding, security and international issues. Ongoing meetings are held with Professor Daisaku Higashi of Sophia University’s Center for Global Education and Discovery. Members voluntarily attend seminars and, if there are any issues to be further discussed, it is done at the next study session.

Members learn about the various inequalities, human security and peacebuilding issues, from conflicts and civil wars to vaccine availability, in developing countries and discuss what can be done. In August and September 2021, club members considered what they could do as students and what Japan could do as a country to address the problems in Afghanistan.
Since it is important to put what was discussed into action, the club plans to organize overseas study tours once the COVID-19 pandemic has settled down, and will also put a focus on disseminating information in the future.

For SDGs, the group is focused on Goal 10 (reduced inequality) and Goal 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions).
Alumni also participate as the Peacebuilding and International Cooperation Club is not limited to undergraduate students, so members can interact with a variety of people who are interested in peacebuilding, including NGO workers, graduate students and people who studied peacebuilding abroad in Europe.

If interested, please feel free to ask them about their activities.