- Club & Circles
Sircle is a student organization that engages in social contribution activities through soccer, mainly planning, cooperating, and disseminating information about J-League’s sharen activities.

“Sharen” is a shortened version of the Japanese term for social cooperation and refers to activities by the J-League and its teams, businesses, local governments, organized groups and local residents that benefit the local community and society. Sircle considers and implements ways to realize sharen.
J-League has long been involved in social contributions activities related to the SDGs, such as supporting agriculture, and local farmers, and operating stadiums for children with disabilities.

Sircle has been active on social media and with lectures to spread the word about these sharen activities. It also engages in active planning of projects to experience and convey soccer culture and the appeal of the sport, such as attending games to feel the atmosphere of the stadium and the passion of supporters.
Sircle is committed to the Goal 17 of the SDGs, partnerships for the goals. J-League and its teams are strongly rooted in communities in Japan and have a high social value; Sircle’s goal is to promote sharen activities that bring together various organizations and people to cooperate and approach issues.

Sircle is excellent for students who love soccer culture and want to be directly involved with a soccer club and even those who don’t really like soccer but would like to volunteer.