Sophia University’s Student SDGs & Sustainability Awareness Survey Report 2023

Purpose of the Survey:
- Understanding the level of interest and awareness of the SDGs among Sophia University students
- Reference for further action by Office of Sophia Sustainability Promotion
Implementation and Analysis : Office of Sophia Sustainability Promotion Communications Team
Method : WEB survey (Microsoft Forms)
Period : October 26, 2023 – November 28, 2023 (30 days)
Number of respondents : 695
Survey Questions
Q1. Student Number
Q2. Grade
Q3. Department Faculty
Q4. Email Address
Q5. What is your level of understanding of the SDGs?
Q6. How did you learn about the SDGs? (Multiple choices allowed)
Q7. Which SDGs do you think are important as a global task? (Multiple choices allowed).
Q8. Which SDGs do you think are important as a domestic task? (Multiple choices allowed)
Q9. Which SDGs do you think are important for you – as a personal task? (Multiple choices allowed).
Q10. Please tell us about the SDGs initiatives you have worked on and/or is working on.
Q11. In your job hunting, are you aware of the SDGs and sustainability initiatives when selecting a company?
Q12. When selecting a university/graduate school, did you focus on how much the university/graduate school committed to “SDGs and sustainability” as a factor in your decision?
Q13. Do you think Sophia University is leading on achieving SDGs?
Q14. Have you heard of “Office of Sophia Sustainability Promotion (OSSP)”?
Q15.Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the initiatives implemented by OSSP.
Q16. What kind of activities related to the SDGs and sustainability do you think the university should proactively engage in the future? (eg “plastic bottle cap collection campaign”).